10 Ways to Boost Your Creativity

If you run a small business, you’ll know how important creativity is to your daily tasks. From thinking of new product ideas to brainstorming social media campaigns, so many things require you to think outside the box. If you don’t get into the zone — who’s going to do it for you? Unfortunately, creative business owners can’t be running at 100% all the time! So, it’s understandable if you need a little inspiration once in a while.

To keep those creative juices flowing, here are ten ways to boost your creativity…

Grow a supportive network

A laptop sits on a wooden table with a virtual meeting displayed on its screen, showing multiple participants in a grid layout. Next to the laptop is a green ceramic mug, likely filled with coffee or tea.

Do you know any other business owners or freelancers working in a similar field? Reach out to other ambitious people online or at local meetings. Having other like-minded people to share ideas with can give you valuable insights and constructive feedback. Who knows, these connections could help your creativity in ways you never imagined.

Carve out time for yourself

Make time in your schedule for things you enjoy. If you’re struggling to come up with new ideas, you could be experiencing fatigue or burnout. Focus on something you love (that isn’t work) for a while, like that hobby you wished you had more time for.

Give yourself space

Likewise, a stressed mind doesn’t have the capacity for creativity. Make sure you give yourself time and space to recover from your workload and focus on other areas of your life. Don’t worry, your creativity will soon flood back.

Pay attention to your health

Being creative is hard at the best of times, but it’s even harder when you’re sleep-deprived or not eating well. Make sure your body is getting what it needs!

Find new sources of inspiration

Are you going to the same old sources for new inspiration? Old habits die hard, but try to branch out. Mix up your routine and find ideas where you’d least expect them. Read new sources and speak to new people. You could even listen to new music! A mental shift can unlock a world of potential.

What gets you in the zone?

Find what works for you, and don’t worry if that’s different to what works for other people. If three cups of coffee a day helps you feel creative, so be it! If morning yoga and lots of walks are what you need, use that personal insight to your advantage.

Bounce ideas around

Two people are sitting at a desk, working on graphic design projects. One person is pointing at a large monitor displaying various colorful designs, while the other observes.


We tend to associate daydreaming with procrastinating, but it’s actually crucial to creativity. You can’t summon great ideas as and when you please, you need to give yourself thinking space to make connections, develop novel thoughts, and dream about your next big plan.


If you’re stuck in rut with the same old thoughts going around your head, you might need to alter your state of mind. One of the best ways to do this is through exercise. Get your blood pumping at the gym, on a run, or at a dance class. A touch of physical tiredness will clear those cobwebs away.

Delegate other responsibilities

You can’t be creative if you’re juggling a million other tasks — there just isn’t the time. If you can, outsource some responsibilities to other members of your team. Or, if you work alone, consider hiring a virtual assistant to relieve some of that pressure. This will give you the opportunity and mental clarity to come up with your next inspired idea.

Use VA services from Bizzybee to boost your creativity.

Hiring a virtual assistant could be the perfect way to help you focus more on the creative aspects of your business and less on the admin.

Erin at Bizzybee is an experienced virtual assistant who specialises in working with Creative freelancers, entrepreneurs and Small businesses.

From customer service to online media management, she can help whizz through your daily tasks so you can focus on what you love.

Feel free to get in touch today.


How to stay productive when you work for yourself


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