Words (terms) that every freelancer should know.

Marketing is an essential part of any freelancer or small business. It helps attract new customers, increase brand awareness, and drive sales. To effectively market your freelance business, it's important to have a solid understanding of common marketing terms and concepts.

Take a look below for some key terms that every small business should know.

Target audience:

A man is giving a lecture to a large audience in an auditorium. He is holding a microphone and gesturing with his hand as he speaks. The audience, consisting of a diverse group of people, fills the seats and is focused on the speaker.

Your target audience is the group of people that you are most interested in reaching with your marketing efforts. This could be based on demographics (age, gender, income, etc.), interests, or other characteristics. Knowing your target audience helps you tailor your marketing messages and tactics to reach and engage them effectively.


Branding refers to the overall image and reputation of your business. It includes elements like your logo, colour scheme, font choices, and tone of voice. Strong branding helps customers recognise and remember your business and can differentiate you from competitors.

(branding created by Dear Charlie )

Marketing mix:

The marketing mix is a framework that outlines the elements that make up a marketing campaign. It includes the four "Ps" - product, price, place, and promotion. The marketing mix helps businesses consider all aspects of their marketing strategy and how they can be adjusted to meet the needs of their target audience.

Customer segmentation:

Customer segmentation is the process of dividing customers into groups based on shared characteristics or behaviours. This helps businesses create targeted marketing campaigns that are more likely to resonate with specific groups of customers.

Marketing funnel:

The marketing funnel is a visual representation of the journey that a customer takes, from awareness of a product or service to make a purchase. It typically includes stages like awareness, consideration, and decision. Understanding the marketing funnel can help businesses create effective marketing campaigns that guide customers through the different stages of the buying process.

Conversion rate:

A document titled "KPI / Key Performance Indicator" shows a bar graph labeled "CONVERSION," with an arrow indicating improvement over time. Two pens rest on the document, and a paper clip holds additional sheets together, suggesting a business or an

The conversion rate is the percentage of visitors to your website or marketing campaign who take the desired action (like making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter). Improving your conversion rate can help drive more sales and revenue for your business.

Search engine optimisation (SEO):

SEO is the practice of optimising your website and online content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), like Google. A higher ranking in SERPs can lead to more visibility and traffic for your business. Keywords can be an important part of your SEO.

Hopefully, this small roundup of marketing terms will help you understand a bit more as a small business owner. Marketing is a complex topic, but it's vitally important to your company's success. With a little knowledge, you can do a lot more for your small business.

And if you’re looking for an organised, experienced VA to help with day-to-day management, scaling up your social media presence, and more, feel free to get in touch with Erin at Bizzybee.


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