How to stay productive when you work for yourself

From making your own hours to letting your imagination run free, running your own creative business brings plenty of exciting opportunities. However, without the structure of a regular nine-to-five job, staying productive can be challenging.

If you find your mind wandering or you’re struggling to fit all your tasks in each day, the following tips will help boost your output without sacrificing the freedom of being a small business owner.

Set working hours

The image depicts a chaotic arrangement of various vintage clocks stacked haphazardly together. Each clock shows a different time, and the assortment includes clocks with both Roman and Arabic numerals.

When you work for yourself, it's easy to fall into the trap of working all hours of the day and night. You’re passionate about your pursuit, which is wonderful! But all work and no rest can lead to burnout which, in turn, lowers your productivity. By sticking to set working hours, you can focus fully and then recharge in your downtime.

The beauty of working for yourself is that you can create a routine that works for you, whether you’re an early bird or you find inspiration strikes in the evening.

Take regular breaks

It’s also important to take breaks throughout the day. It can be tempting to skip lunch or eat ‘al-desko’, especially when you’re caught up in a task. But regular breaks allow you to clear your mind and come back to your work with fresh eyes.

Write a to-do list

Working from home often brings distractions. Try to set up a dedicated workspace that can be your haven for the day — the key is to create a space you want to spend time in. It needs to be quiet and comfortable, with all the equipment you need within easy reach.

Did you know that the colour of your walls can even affect your productivity?

According to colour psychology, certain shades evoke different feelings. It’s thought that blue is linked to productivity, confidence, and focus, while green brings a sense of calm and alertness. Why not revamp your home study with a fresh lick of paint?

You could also consider looking into shared offices or co-working spaces if you don’t have a suitable work area at home.

Delegate tasks

Being a creative freelancer or small business involves spinning a lot of plates, and delegating tasks is one of the best ways to stay productive. There are only so many hours in a day, and you can't do everything yourself. Outsourcing allows you to focus on your strengths and carry out the most critical tasks. It also ensures that everything gets done on time.

Have you thought about hiring a virtual assistant (VA)? Bringing a VA on board is a fantastic way to free up time so you can concentrate on your area of expertise. Virtual assistants can handle your admin, email management, research, and a range of other tasks. Whatever area you need a hand with, a virtual assistant can help.

Take care of yourself.

Taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally is essential for staying productive. Try to exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, and get enough sleep. You might also find activities like yoga and meditation helpful for gaining mental clarity, too.

Boost your productivity with support from Bizzybee

a woman with red hair and glasses, wearing a headset with a microphone. She is smiling and appears to be engaged in a video call or an online meeting. In front of her is a laptop covered in colorful stickers with various designs.

Hiring a virtual assistant can help free up time so you can focus on the areas of your business you love most. You’ll feel more motivated and have more energy to be productive.

As an experienced VA, Erin at Bizzybee has the skills to support your creative business in the most effective way for you.

Get in touch for more information.


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