Why Blogs Are Essential On A Creative's Website

As a creative business in the 21st century, you’re probably already aware of the importance of a great website and solid social media presence. But have you embraced blogging yet?

If not, you could be missing out on a powerful marketing tool. While setting up a blog may seem daunting at first, the results are well worth the effort.

Here are four reasons blogs are essential on any creative's website.

1. Showcase your expertise and knowledge

Whether you share crafting tips, offer interesting background information or discuss current affairs within your industry, a blog is an excellent way to showcase the drive behind your creative business.

By writing informative, well-written blog posts, you can position yourself as an industry expert. Why is this beneficial? It helps you build trust with potential customers. When people see that you're knowledgeable about your industry, they’re more likely to turn to you – both for expert advice and for your products or services.

A blog also builds trust in another way. When you post regularly, customers new to your site will be able to see that you’re still in business. In contrast, if the last article you posted was over a year ago, it might prompt the reader to seek products or services elsewhere.

2. Boost your SEO ranking

Did you know that a great blog not only provides quality content for readers to enjoy but can also boost your SEO ranking? By providing fresh content on a regular basis, you can appeal to search engines and help your site climb the search engine results pages (SERPs).

A blog gives you an opportunity to use keywords and phrases that your target audience is searching for. By including these key phrases in your blog posts, you'll make it easier for them to find your site. And since people are more likely to click on a result that is relevant to their search query, using keywords in your blog can help to increase your click-through rate (CTR), which is another important factor in SEO.

3. Update readers on new products

If you sell products, whether on your website or on an external eCommerce platform, you can use your blog to draw attention to new ranges or designs. While social media can be an excellent tool for announcements, ever-changing algorithms can make it tricky to stand out for long.

Why not add links to blog announcement posts in your email newsletter to extend your reach?

4. You can reuse the material

Coming up with fresh social media posts and ad copy every week can take its toll – especially for small or scaling creative businesses! Fortunately, a well-written blog post can provide you with plenty of content to repurpose. With a little innovation, you can transform your long-form blog article into several bitesize posts that will engage potential customers and drive them to your site.

Whether you simmer your content down into snappy bullet points or add a snippet to your social media post along with a link, you can grab your audience’s attention in a new way – and all without coming up with brand new copy!

Handy hint: using bullet points subheadings within your articles can make splitting content into social media posts nice and easy.

Blog and admin support from Bizzybee

A blog is a vital tool for any creative business. However, we recognise that keeping up with generating blog content can be tough, particularly when you’re working so hard on other elements of your business.

If you need a hand with researching, scheduling and uploading blog posts or creating social media posts, you might want to consider hiring a virtual assistant (VA). Erin at Bizzybee can offer admin and management support to take the pressure off.


What Virtual Assistants can do for the creative freelancer.


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