The Ultimate Checklist for Freelancers to Give Their Virtual Assistants

If you're a freelancer who has embarked on the exciting journey of expanding your work horizons with the help of your own trusty virtual assistant (VA), you've come to the right place!

It can be a bit overwhelming at first to delegate and manage tasks effectively, but that's where I am going to step in.

In this blog, I will provide you with the ultimate checklist for freelancers to manage their excellent VAs effectively.

Identifying Your Needs

Before even starting the process of hiring a VA, it's crucial to identify your needs. Ask yourself, what tasks do you want to delegate? These tasks may range from administrative ones, such as managing emails and scheduling appointments, to more specialized tasks like content creation, social media management, or accounting.

Finding the Right Virtual Assistant

Once you’ve got a handle on what you need, it's time to find the right fit. Websites like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr host a plethora of talented VAs. Always check their reviews, portfolios, and conduct an interview, preferably video, to ensure they align with your work ethic and expectations.

Defining Roles and Responsibilities

With the VA hired, the next step is to clearly define their roles and responsibilities. A well-crafted job description avoids confusion and ensures your VA knows exactly what they're supposed to do. It will also help when it comes to measuring their performance.

Setting up Communication Channels

As you're working remotely, effective communication is the lifeline of your collaboration. Determine your preferred modes of communication - this could be through emails, phone calls, text messages, or project management tools like Asana, Trello, or Slack.

Establishing Work Hours

While one of the advantages of a VA is that they can work in different time zones, it’s still important to establish a schedule where your work hours overlap. This ensures you have ample time to discuss work progress, provide feedback, and tackle any issues that might arise.

Devising a Task Management System

Implementing a task management system is a great way to track your VA's tasks and deadlines. Tools like Google Tasks,, and ClickUp can provide clarity on project statuses, due dates, and time spent on each task.

Data Security

Ensure your Virtual Assistant understands the importance of data security. This might involve creating secure ways to share sensitive information, like encrypted emails or secure file transfer protocols.

Regular Feedback and Reviews

Regularly review your VA's work and provide constructive feedback. This not only ensures the work is up to standard but also aids in the VA's professional growth and strengthens your working relationship.

Invoicing and Payments

Establish a clear and timely payment process. Discuss whether the VA prefers a bi-weekly or monthly payment, and how they prefer to be paid, be it via PayPal, direct bank transfer, or other means.

Legal and Tax Considerations

Finally, remember to address the legal and tax aspects of hiring a VA. This might involve a contract outlining the terms of service, confidentiality agreement, and a discussion about who is responsible for handling tax issues.

Delegating effectively to a Virtual Assistant can significantly enhance your productivity as a freelancer, allowing you to focus on what you do best. It’s all about building a solid relationship based on clear communication, respect, and mutual growth.

I hope this checklist will help you in your journey because with it, you're well on your way to leveraging the power of a VA to skyrocket your freelance business to new heights.

Happy delegating!

Bizzybee virtual assistant is sitting on some metal stairs wearing her stripy dungarees, she has red hair and is smiling at the camera

Meet Bizzybee, a fantastic virtual assistance service based in Cheshire, serving the entire UK. Erin, the brains behind, is all about helping creative freelancers, entrepreneurs, and small businesses succeed by taking care of the little things that can be time-consuming and draining.

Why not get in touch?


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